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Simon Martin receives Distinguished CESifo Affiliate Award

Dr. Simon Martin was awarded the Distinguished CESifo Affiliate Award. The Post Doc was honored for his contribution titled  "Market Transparency and Consumer Search - Evidence from the German Retail Gasoline Market". Martin examined the influence of price transparency in the gasoline market on fuel prices. According to this study, gasoline in Germany would be about 1% cheaper if instead of the prices of all gas stations, only the cheapest prices were published via comparison apps, as is the case in Austria.

The Distinguished CESifo Affiliate Award honors the best presentation at the annual CESifo Area conferences. Only young scientists are nominated who are either about to complete their doctoral thesis or who have completed their thesis within the last five years. The criteria for the award are scientific originality, political relevance and quality of presentation. The winning paper will be published in the CESifo Working Paper Series.

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