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Why submit an essay?

It is always a remarkable achievement to publish a written thesis, especially at Bachelor's degree level. Publishing a thesis in the DSER promotes the visibility and recognition of your own research and can be an important plus point on your CV with a strong signalling effect. It certifies the ability to write high-quality academic papers that are recognised by peers and professors.  Through the peer review process, you will also receive individual and constructive feedback on your work, which will help you to significantly improve your argumentation and methodology for the future. 

How to submit?

The submission process involves two rounds

In the first round, you submit your written work in pdf form by sending it to us by email to dser@hhu.de. 

  • Please make sure that your telephone number and email address, as well as your degree program and semester  are included.
  • The essays will be anonymised before the first assessment, i.e. your name should not appear anywhere in the document itself.
  • Please note the referencing method of the DICE. Submitted essays that do not adhere to these instructions will be returned or disregarded.  Of course you should avoid plagiarism. All essays will be checked for plagiarism.

What happens after I have submitted my work?

After the first review, the Editorial Board will contact you and, in the event of a positive vote, arrange an individual feedback meeting with you. With this feedback and supporting materials for scientific writing, we will release you into a revision phase, similar to an R&R (Revise and Resubmit). This is important because the journal's target audience is not your supervisors, but your fellow students, who do not want to be bored with pages of thematic prefaces. You are by no means on your own, but will be supported by a member of the Editorial Board assigned to you. The revision phase begins as planned on 15 August 2024. We would like to ask you to send your rewritten work back to your assigned member of the Editorial Board for final editing by 23:59 on 6 September 2024:

  • Please send us your revised work either as a Word or LaTex file in line with the DICE format type.
  • Please send us any inserted images and graphics in a folder with a corresponding reference. 
  • For empirical work and self-created graphs and tables, please send us the relevant data including the code. 
  • Please also send us your sources as an Excel or .bib-file. You will find a corresponding template in the link list/downloards. 
  • With the final submission you also agree to the author guidelines (see link list). 

All those who are kind enough to submit material to us will be invited to the official presentation of the DSER at the beginning of the winter semester in the Oeconomicum. Further information will follow shortly.

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