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Düsseldorf Student Economic Review

Alongside the Bonn Journal of Economics and the Berlin Student Journal of Economics, the Düsseldorf Student Economic Review (DSER) is one of the few economic journals in Germany organised and published by students. It offers students the opportunity to publish project, term and final theses on economic issues in edited form during their studies. In this way, committed students are given an initial opportunity to pursue their own research interests and excellent work is prevented from gathering dust in desk drawers unnoticed.

The Editorial Board 2024

v.l.n.r. Patrick Tenner, Alena Lambertz, Armin Zöllner, Jana Heinrichs, Nico Imenkamp; fehlend Aaron Minkenberg

This annual publication presents the best and most original research work by economics students specialising in economics. Our aim is to enable students to make a significant contribution to scientific issues at an early stage via our platform and thus promote their academic careers. To this end, we not only work closely with the DICE, on whose website the issues are published in full, but also offer students the opportunity to publish their work in IDEAS, the largest bibliographic database for economics publications. 

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